New Release: Modern Combat Versus
Posted by Kevin MacLeod onHot on the heels of last week's amazing releases, Gameloft's new multiplayer shooter Modern Combat Versus is finally out of its lengthy soft launch and in wide release on iOS.
Like the rest of Gameloft's games, Modern Combat Versus follows a predictable strategy: take a popular PC or console game, and bring a mobile-focused facsimile of it to a mobile audience that might not be familiar with the real thing.

Modern Combat Versus is straightforward in this matter. It takes the overall feel of one of the "near-future" Call of Duty games, adds gameplay structure reminiscent of Overwatch or Team Fortress 2, and sticks a timer-based unlock system on pretty much every aspect of progression. Unfortunately, Modern Combat VS does not borrow Call of Duty's epic storylines and incredible polish, nor does it borrow the colorful (and brilliantly balanced) character roster of Overwatch or TF2. Most important of all, Modern Combat lacks any of the the polish and heart of the games it is obviously "inspired" by.
Anyways, that’s just my opinion. TouchArcade gave this one their Game of the Week designation, and it’s also sitting at number 3 on the Top Free Games chart right now, so a lot of people definitely seem to be enjoying it.

The good news is, you can try Modern Combat Versus out for absolutely nothing, right now. Even if you get fed up of the timer system and quit playing after an hour or so, as I did, you'll at least have received a download's worth of enjoyment. And really, what else can you ask for in a free game?